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NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
The neutral point of the unit should preferably be earthed properly in order to thus create a TT or TN system.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Risk-increasing conditions occur in places where humidity, heat or dust can influence the safety during the work activities, such as: — in the open air; — on building sites; — on demolition sites; — on port sites; — in marinas and on camp sites; — in damp premises; — in the vicinity of ponds and swimming pools. NOTE For work activities in confined
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Battery rooms and battery charging stations where uninsulated live parts are present should not be entered by: — ordinary persons; — persons younger than 18.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Connections with batteries may not be broken or made while the charging system is live or the electrical circuit supplied by the batteries is switched on. This provision does not apply to fitting or removing a facility to temporarily bypass a cell that is to be replaced.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Instructed persons may only replace knife blade fuses if a person responsible for an electrical installation, a nominated person in control of a work activity or a skilled person has given them: a) a specific or general order, b) a clear demonstration and instruction that applies to the relevant situation; c) and they adhere to the instruction given.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
The instruction for the replacement of knife blade fuses by instructed persons shall state which operations shall be carried out in succession. Specific attention should be paid in this instruction to: a) the personal protective equipment to be used; b) the way in which it is established which knife blade fuse is faulty; c) making dead or, if this not possible, removing the current
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Instructed persons should only replace knife blade fuses if the corresponding fuse holder clearly indicates to which part of the installation they are fitted unless their purpose is clear from their position.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
The following should always be met: a) A sufficient number of knife blade fuses of the nominal values, the same structural size, and the same operating class as that which shall be used for the protection of the relevant parts of the installation, should always be present. b) A properly fitting and functioning operating handle should always be present. c) A sufficient number
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Nieuwe NEN 3140 sterk doorontwikkeld
Als trainer en adviseur NEN 3140, werk ik nu alweer een paar weken met de nieuwe NEN 3140 + A2 (December 2018). Deze nieuwe NEN 3140 is sterk doorontwikkeld. Veel zaken waar je in de praktijk vaak tegen aanloopt, zijn nu scherper en concreter geformuleerd. Ook zijn technische, organisatorische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen meegenomen in deze nieuwe uitgave. Dat begint al bij de installatieverantwoordelijke
Veiligheid mag geen sluitpost zijn
Juridisch adviseur geeft uitleg over het belang van NEN 3140 Veiligheid is van groot belang bij elektrotechnische installaties. De norm NEN 3140 beoogt deze veiligheid voldoende te waarborgen. Toch is er in de praktijk nog wat te winnen, stelt mr. Klaas van der Kolk van juridisch advies- en trainingsbureau Nova Juridica. “Uiteindelijk gaat het erom dat iedereen aan het eind van de dag weer veilig