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NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
E.2.4   Factor D: the working conditions
The working conditions: D1 completely dead.   Weighting: 0 D2 regularly in the vicinity of live parts.   Weighting: 5 D3 from time to time live working.   Weighting: 10
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
E.2.7   Factor G: the level of change in the work activities
The level of change in the work activities: G1 little.   Weighting: 5 G2 regularly.   Weighting: 0
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
E.3   Determining the time between two successive periods of instruction
E.3.1   The time between two successive periods of instruction is determined on the basis of the sum of the factors A to H, using table E.1 in conjunction with figure E.1. Table E.1 — Determining the sum of the factors A to H Factor Code Weighting Results A A1 0   A2 10   B B1 0   B2 5   B3 10   C C1 5   C2 0   C3 5   D D1 0   D2 5   D3 10   E
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Read out the time between two successive periods of instruction from figure E.1. Figure E.1 — The time between two successive periods of instruction
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
F.2   Responsibilities of the person responsible for an electrical installation
The person responsible for an electrical installation is responsible for: — electrical installations and electrical work equipment; — maintaining the safety of electrical installations and electrical work equipment by regular inspections and timely repair of any defects found; — setting up an access scheme for premises with an electrical hazard; — establishing procedures
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
F.4   Responsibility in the event of dead working
F.4.1   Making a part of an installation dead is the responsibility of the person responsible for an electrical installation. This does not mean that the person responsible for an electrical installation shall make the installation dead in person. F.4.2   The nominated person in control of a work activity is responsible for safety at the work location. F.4.3   The responsibility of
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Making a part of an installation dead is the responsibility of the person responsible for an electrical installation. This does not mean that the person responsible for an electrical installation shall make the installation dead in person.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
G.1   Use situations
Table G.1 states the most common use situations for the individual items of protective equipment and for other equipment and devices. Table G.1 — Use of protective or other equipment and devices Protective or other equipment or device Applicable standard Examples of use situations a When choosing the protective equipment against arc hazard, consider the arc energy that can occur
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
The risk associated with carrying out electrical measurements depends on: — the measurement instrument; — the situation in which the measurements are carried out; — the way in which the measurements are taken.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
If measuring in accordance with H.6 is not possible, the rules that apply to live working (see 6.3) should be applied.
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Nieuwe NEN 3140 sterk doorontwikkeld
Als trainer en adviseur NEN 3140, werk ik nu alweer een paar weken met de nieuwe NEN 3140 + A2 (December 2018). Deze nieuwe NEN 3140 is sterk doorontwikkeld. Veel zaken waar je in de praktijk vaak tegen aanloopt, zijn nu scherper en concreter geformuleerd. Ook zijn technische, organisatorische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen meegenomen in deze nieuwe uitgave. Dat begint al bij de installatieverantwoordelijke
Veiligheid mag geen sluitpost zijn
Juridisch adviseur geeft uitleg over het belang van NEN 3140 Veiligheid is van groot belang bij elektrotechnische installaties. De norm NEN 3140 beoogt deze veiligheid voldoende te waarborgen. Toch is er in de praktijk nog wat te winnen, stelt mr. Klaas van der Kolk van juridisch advies- en trainingsbureau Nova Juridica. “Uiteindelijk gaat het erom dat iedereen aan het eind van de dag weer veilig