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NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Equipment for supplying SELV systems or S systems may not be incorporated in the connection conductor or the plug.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
The purpose of maintenance, is to keep the electrical installation in the required condition. Maintenance may consist of: — preventive maintenance:which is carried out on a routine basis with the intention of preventing breakdown and keeping equipment in good condition; — corrective maintenance:which is carried out to repair or replace a defective part.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
[not applicable]
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Personnel who are to carry out the work shall be adequately instructed or skilled i.e. they shall be competent for the task to be undertaken. They shall be equipped with and use appropriate tools, measuring and testing devices and individual protective equipment which shall be maintained in a good condition.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Ordinary persons may only replace DI or DII type cartridge fuses that are fully shrouded.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
B.1.2   Calculation of the specified working distance
[not applicable]
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
B.2   Environmental conditions
The following atmospheric conditions are part of environmental conditions to be assessed. B.2.1   Precipitation Precipitation is taken to mean rain, snow, hail, drizzle, spray or hoarfrost. Precipitation is said to be insignificant where it does not hinder the visibility of the workers. Should visibility be impaired, it is said to be significant. According to the voltage level, the type of installation
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
B.5   Arc hazard
B.5.1   General Persons working in the vicinity of electrical installations are exposed to hazards caused by an electrical arc. Electrical arcs are a rare event. Nevertheless, a reliable protection is required as the appearance cannot be excluded particularly since they can be caused by actions during working. Electric arcs are not only a result of a short circuit, but also separating burdened
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
C.2   Uninterrupted supervision
If uninterrupted supervision applies, the work is interrupted whenever the supervisor leaves the work location.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
C.4   Supervisors
Nominated persons who have the authority to supervise will be given appropriate instruction for this.
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Nieuwe NEN 3140 sterk doorontwikkeld
Als trainer en adviseur NEN 3140, werk ik nu alweer een paar weken met de nieuwe NEN 3140 + A2 (December 2018). Deze nieuwe NEN 3140 is sterk doorontwikkeld. Veel zaken waar je in de praktijk vaak tegen aanloopt, zijn nu scherper en concreter geformuleerd. Ook zijn technische, organisatorische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen meegenomen in deze nieuwe uitgave. Dat begint al bij de installatieverantwoordelijke
Veiligheid mag geen sluitpost zijn
Juridisch adviseur geeft uitleg over het belang van NEN 3140 Veiligheid is van groot belang bij elektrotechnische installaties. De norm NEN 3140 beoogt deze veiligheid voldoende te waarborgen. Toch is er in de praktijk nog wat te winnen, stelt mr. Klaas van der Kolk van juridisch advies- en trainingsbureau Nova Juridica. “Uiteindelijk gaat het erom dat iedereen aan het eind van de dag weer veilig