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NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Personnel shall wear suitable and adequate personal protective equipment. They should wear no metallic items for example personal jewellery if this is likely to cause a hazard. During live working workers should be protected not only against arc hazards, they should also use insulating gloves and insulated tools. Also a suitable isolation from earth has to be provided, e.g. by using insulating
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Care shall be taken to ensure that a stable location is provided which leaves the worker with both hands free.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm   Insulating glove working
[not applicable]
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
6.3.6   Tools, equipment and devices
The characteristics, use, storage, maintenance, transportation and inspections of the tools, equipment and devices shall be specified. Tools, equipment and devices shall be managed and applied by these specifications.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
6.3.7   Environmental conditions
[not applicable]
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
6.3.101   Installations protected against overcurrent and short-circuiting
For installations where arc hazard cannot occur in case of a short-circuit, the use of insulating protective devices to isolate live parts, insulated tools and the right personal protective equipment will suffice. If arc hazard can occur in case of a short-circuit, the provisions of 6.3.1 to 6.3.8 shall be applied. Supervision is not compulsory for a limited size of work location, but anyone
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
The provisions used as screens, barriers, insulating or other covers shall be properly maintained and stay in place during the work activities.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
6.4.3   Protection by safe distance and supervision
When protection by safe distance and supervision is used this method of working shall at least include: — the safe distance not less than 0,5 m to be maintained taking into account the nature of the work activity; — an additional instruction for personnel.
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
6.101.1   Work activities in confined conducting spaces
What is decisive here is that the person is in constant contact with metals or other conducting parts and it is difficult for such person to withdraw from danger. An example of another conducting part is a moist floor. Confined conducting spaces can occur: — in crawl spaces; — in tanks, vessels, kettles; — under machines; — in steel structures.   Live
NEN 3140+A1:2015 en Norm
Live working is not allowed, not even on SELV, PELV and FELV systems.
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Nieuwe NEN 3140 sterk doorontwikkeld
Als trainer en adviseur NEN 3140, werk ik nu alweer een paar weken met de nieuwe NEN 3140 + A2 (December 2018). Deze nieuwe NEN 3140 is sterk doorontwikkeld. Veel zaken waar je in de praktijk vaak tegen aanloopt, zijn nu scherper en concreter geformuleerd. Ook zijn technische, organisatorische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen meegenomen in deze nieuwe uitgave. Dat begint al bij de installatieverantwoordelijke
Veiligheid mag geen sluitpost zijn
Juridisch adviseur geeft uitleg over het belang van NEN 3140 Veiligheid is van groot belang bij elektrotechnische installaties. De norm NEN 3140 beoogt deze veiligheid voldoende te waarborgen. Toch is er in de praktijk nog wat te winnen, stelt mr. Klaas van der Kolk van juridisch advies- en trainingsbureau Nova Juridica. “Uiteindelijk gaat het erom dat iedereen aan het eind van de dag weer veilig