Zoeken in normen
918 resultaten
The person responsible for an electrical installation shall determine and record with
— the inspections to be carried out,
— the time between two successive inspections,
— the representative random sample,
— the measurement methods that are to be used and
— any measurement instruments that are to be used.
The regulations of the electrical work
Samples are only allowed if:
— low-risk electrical work equipment is concerned that is used under the same conditions
— the sum of the weighting factors in
annex K for this electrical work equipment is less than 16.
Electrical work equipment shall be demonstrably approved for use.
NOTE This can be demonstrated by means of a register stating the date of inspection, the
date of the next inspection, the inspection method and the approval. A sticker with
the next inspection date may also be applied to the electrical work equipment.
When inspecting electrical work equipment, it shall be checked whether the requirements
are met relating to:
a) the protection measures against:
— electrical shock;
— thermal effects;
— overcurrent;
— voltage failure;
b) the correct operation of the safety systems;
c) the correct use in view of the environmental conditions.
If the requirement of the insulation resistance cannot be complied with for electrical
work equipment of class I with heating elements, the actual leakage current may be
measured. The leakage current measured must not exceed the value of
table 103.
Table 103
Maximum values of the leakage current for class I electrical work equipment with heating
Actual leakage
The resistance R of the protective conductor in connecting cables, extension cords and reels, including
the contact resistances, shall comply with:
is the resistance of the protective conductor, including the contact resistances,
in Ω;
is the specific resistance of the conductor material, in Ω.mm2/m;
is the length of the protective conductor, in m;
The person who carries out the work activities shall be nominated for this. Any person
who has not been nominated for carrying out the work activities shall be under the
supervision of a person nominated for this purpose.
If the nominated person in control of a work activity does not actually manage the
work, this task may be delegated to a skilled person. This shall preferably be set
down in
The dead state may only be established using double-pole voltage indicators that comply
with or are equivalent to
NEN-EN-IEC 61243-3. The voltage indicators shall be checked for proper operation directly before and
after use.
Work in the live working zones of installations with in-line cartridge fuses of 100 A
to 630 A or automatic fuses of 25 A to 80 A requires the use of personal protective
equipment and a face mask.
NOTE The difference between the value of the cartridge fuse and the value of the automatic
fuse is caused by the amount of energy (I2t) transmitted in case of a short-circuit.
Safe working in the live working zones of installations with in-line cartridge fuses
of more than 630 A or automatic fuses of more than 80 A is not permitted because of
the arc hazard, unless the possible energy released has been calculated and the personal
protective equipment has been adapted for this.
NOTE The difference between the value of the cartridge fuse and the value of the automatic
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52 resultaten
Nieuwe NEN 3140 sterk doorontwikkeld
Als trainer en adviseur NEN 3140, werk ik nu alweer een paar weken met de nieuwe NEN 3140 + A2 (December 2018). Deze nieuwe NEN 3140 is sterk doorontwikkeld. Veel zaken waar je in de praktijk vaak tegen aanloopt, zijn nu scherper en concreter geformuleerd. Ook zijn technische, organisatorische en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen meegenomen in deze nieuwe uitgave.
Dat begint al bij de installatieverantwoordelijke
Veiligheid mag geen sluitpost zijn
Juridisch adviseur geeft uitleg over het belang van NEN 3140
Veiligheid is van groot belang bij elektrotechnische installaties. De norm NEN 3140 beoogt deze veiligheid voldoende te waarborgen. Toch is er in de praktijk nog wat te winnen, stelt mr. Klaas van der Kolk van juridisch advies- en trainingsbureau Nova Juridica. “Uiteindelijk gaat het erom dat iedereen aan het eind van de dag weer veilig